Ethics For Software Engineering

Software Engineering involves the creation and design of programs for electronic devices, particularly computers. It’s an engineering discipline that helps people live easier lives. Computers are essential for modern life. Software Engineers are responsible for creating software that computers use. Here ethical behavior is crucial. I will first discuss the risks involved in creating or developing software. Two well-known Software companies have created a code that Software Engineers can follow to avoid losing their professionalism. Further, I will discuss the potential conflicts that could arise from improperly using Software Engineers’ knowledge. Badware can have a negative impact on privacy and mental well-being. I will also explain how codes of ethics work and what you need to do. Engineering is multifaceted and real-world. It has ethical dimensions. The Professional and Ethical Issues of Software Engineering Curricula.

Engineering is a risky profession. We suggest engineering be considered an experimental process to highlight this fact and explore its ethical implications. Engineering is not an experiment that is conducted in controlled laboratory conditions. “It is rather an experiment on social scales involving humans” (Dodigcrnkovic-Feldt, 2017).

Software Engineering is the most dangerous field of any. This is because most personal and sensitive information has become computerized. Everything is computerized. Bank details, company details and national security details can all be accessed electronically. It is important to ensure that the software’s quality and safety are maintained throughout the entire process. The software engineer who developed the program must be able to guarantee the security of the information. Engineers must make ethical decisions about acceptable risks. Given the importance of computing’s impact on our lives, it is vital to combine computing technologies with the human values and social norms. It is essential that the technology be designed to protect both human and other values. Software Engineers need to be able both protect and advance technology. IEEE-CS, ACM and ACM developed the Software Engineering Code of Ethics. Code of Ethics of Software Engineering was created in order to provide guidance to Software Engineers. They must agree to the following 8 principles as part of their commitment towards the safety, security, and well-being of the public. Client, client, employer and product. They should also agree to follow the 8 principles i.e. Engineers are able to use code of ethics as professional moral agents and as professional advocates. Stephen Unger has analyzed the potential functions of a Code of Ethics according to the Professional and Ethical Issues of Software Engineering Curricula.

It can serve two purposes. It can also be used to promote ethical behavior. It can also serve as a reminder or guide in certain situations. Fourth, an organization can benefit from the development and modification of a code. Fifth, a code of ethics can be used to provide a framework for professional discussion and class discussions. A code can be used to indicate that others are serious about professional conduct. (Dodig,crnkovic and Feldt, 2017).

This shows clearly how Code of Ethics can impact the profession and society.

How you view a situation is ethical or unethical will depend on who you are, what culture you’re from, and even the beliefs that your society holds. Software is usually developed for use in all countries. This is why ethical and unethical situations must be considered in the same way. This is summarized in the introduction to Science and Engineering Ethics.

Software Engineers are able to make a difference and influence others by their role in software development. Software Engineers need to be committed to making Software Engineering a well-respected profession. Software Engineers must adhere to the Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (Lurie & Mark 2015).

The Software Engineer is responsible for the quality and safety of any software that is developed. Software Engineers have two options. One, he can create a weak software that allows him or another person to find customer details and then use them for bad causes. Or, he could make a software that has no weak points and ensures that no details are leaked. Software Engineers may seek ethical hackers’ help to ensure that their software is free from any weaknesses. They don’t have to keep the weaknesses in the software. Software Engineers can make software that can hack other software and reveal details. The article Ethics in Software Engineering Net Neutrality & Badware

Badware is malicious software that is designed to damage or disrupt a computer system. It can be used to steal sensitive information from the user or to gain access to the user’s computer. Badware is software which fundamentally ignores the choice of the user about how their computer and network connections will be used” (Evans (2012)

People sometimes confuse the lines between malicious software and software that is not intentionally harmful. Software developers should make it clear to users what they intend to do. Badware dominates. Badware is omnipresent. It is not known how the virus could infect computers. Badware can access our personal information and take it without us knowing. Software Engineers are responsible for ensuring that Badware is not created or facilitated by them. Software developers need to create thoughtful product designs that allow users to control their computers and network. Software engineers should follow the principles of the code. It is important that codes are properly understood and applied in practice. The Professional Ethics in Software Engineering Curricula explains that:

“Codes of Ethics are created to respond to ethical conflicts that may be anticipated or actual. Many codes are hard to understand and interpret when they are examined in isolation. “The codes have any meaning only when they are applied to real life and ethical ambiguity” (Dodig-crnkovic; Crnkovic 2014).

Because these codes were written by professionals, they are more likely practical since professionals have good industry experience. It isn’t practical though, as it is a result of humans creating it by imagining possible future conflicts. The thought process behind the code creation might be difficult to comprehend. These codes can be used in many situations. Then, you should study the results. It is always better not to focus on personal profits or satisfying a few people’s needs than the whole society. Software engineers have one main responsibility: software development. It is clear that there is a lot of risk in developing and creating software. Software Engineers have a set if principles that they must follow to be able to make professional decisions. But, it’s up to them to decide if they will. Software engineers should stop developing software that has negative effects on society. They should also not continue to develop the software. As a Software Engineering graduate, I strongly believe that Software Engineers must adhere to the code.


  • abbiekaur

    Abbie Kaur is a 33-year-old blogger and volunteer from California. She is a graduate of the University of California, Irvine, with a degree in sociology. Abbie is a dedicated advocate for education and volunteerism, and has been involved in numerous community programs throughout her life. She currently volunteers with a number of local organizations, and is also a regular contributor to various blogs and online publications.



Abbie Kaur is a 33-year-old blogger and volunteer from California. She is a graduate of the University of California, Irvine, with a degree in sociology. Abbie is a dedicated advocate for education and volunteerism, and has been involved in numerous community programs throughout her life. She currently volunteers with a number of local organizations, and is also a regular contributor to various blogs and online publications.

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