35 Illuminating LGBTQ Panel Discussion Questions To Spark Conversation

There will be many panels on the importance of diversity, LGBTQ issues and Pride Month in October.

These are my top 35 possible questions for LGTBQ panels to discuss Pride Month or LGBTQ History Month. These questions are not all possible, but they may give you some ideas for your own.

In general, I prefer this flow to arrange the questions strategically to tactically:

Questions for the LGBTQ Panel
– What is a difference between gender identity or sexual orientation?
How can you make LGBTQ acceptance more or less common in your society?
– How can you create an atmosphere that encourages inclusion, regardless your religious or personal beliefs?

– What is the significance of “firsts?” Have you ever seen other barriers breakers in your life?
Do you think it is easier for your employees to get out of the organization now that many figures from across the country have been released?
– What are the most common myths about transgender people?

Questions from the LGBTQ Panel about the Journey

– What might lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people go through when they come out?
– What kind of emotions might trans people experience when they acknowledge their gender identity?
– When was it that you finally knew what you were doing? That moment when everything seemed to have crystallized.
– What was your most challenging part of physical transitioning?
– How did your name selection process work?
What does your day look like?

Questions about Showing Support

– What do I do if someone tells me they are lesbian, gay or bisexual?
How can I be more open to lesbians, gays, bisexuals, and transgender people? What can I do for someone who is lesbian/gay, bisexual, transgender?
– How do I support LGBTQ people?
How can others be more open-minded to LGBTQ people?
– What can I do to best support transgender people, even if it is difficult for me to approach them?
What would others think of your coming-out process?
How can I approach someone who is lesbian/gay, bisexual, transgender or gay without offending them?
How can I help transgender children and others to gain confidence?

Questions For LGBTQ Allies

– How can I best be an ally for other LGBTQ communities that are marginalized?
– Does it make sense to expect allies to ask you nicely for your allyship?
– Is there a place where trans people can be allyed?
– How do we use our resource group to reach out and support the LGBTQ community?

Questions to Answer

How do I deal with heterosexual coworkers or friends who are negative about someone who is lesbian/homosexual, bisexual, transgender or on the floor of our residence hall, in my office or any other group I belong to?
What should you say to someone who fears contracting HIV/AIDS through LGBTQ people?
How can I respond when someone says they are lesbian, gay and bisexual?
How do you respond to homophobic jokes?
How do I react to homophobic, transphobic attitudes
How do I deal with people who object because they are religious?
What should the company do when offensive comments are made?
– What are some other offensive phrases you have heard in the workplace, often used “innocently” (comments such as “That’s so homosexual” or “I don’t care about a person’s sexual preference”)?

LGBTQ Panel Discussion questions about application to the audience

You can get help from me if you need advice about how to talk to your roommate, family members, friends or relatives about being gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or bisexual.
– What is the most important thing you would like to see known about transgender people?

We are grateful to Kent State University and KGH Interpretation for helping us create this list of great questions for LGBTQ panel discussions.


  • abbiekaur

    Abbie Kaur is a 33-year-old blogger and volunteer from California. She is a graduate of the University of California, Irvine, with a degree in sociology. Abbie is a dedicated advocate for education and volunteerism, and has been involved in numerous community programs throughout her life. She currently volunteers with a number of local organizations, and is also a regular contributor to various blogs and online publications.



Abbie Kaur is a 33-year-old blogger and volunteer from California. She is a graduate of the University of California, Irvine, with a degree in sociology. Abbie is a dedicated advocate for education and volunteerism, and has been involved in numerous community programs throughout her life. She currently volunteers with a number of local organizations, and is also a regular contributor to various blogs and online publications.

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