10 Tips To Help You Become Smarter In Math

The majority of students believe that math is the most difficult academic subject. Many studies show that most students of all ages, and from different backgrounds, have difficulty with mathematics and numbers.

In 2019, experts carried out a survey that found 37% of students aged between 13 and 17 find math challenging, ranking it highest among the complex subjects. In a 2018 study, 89% of parents said that math was the hardest subject for their children to study. In the same survey, 77% said that math in school is not taught well.

This is despite research that shows parents place a high value on their child’s math performance, followed by science.

The ability to do math is a vital part of learning. As children grow, it is important to learn how to count. As kids progress in life, it will also affect professional opportunities as mathematically-challenged adults may generally avoid jobs that require math proficiency. Low math confidence goes beyond bad grades or bad days in school. It can result in technology dependence, a damaged sense of self, and an unwillingness to pursue opportunities that require math skills.

The truth is that studies around the globe have dispelled common myths. They show that math proficiency can be acquired, and not genetically inherited. There is no such thing an inborn mathematical ability. Everyone can learn math with the right effort and time.

Yes, it is intimidating. It can be intimidating, yes.

This article will give you ten tips and tricks to help develop your mathematical brain. This will only take effort, patience, and a willingness to learn. It’s important to understand the why.

The Importance Of Math

It is often forgotten, but math is an integral part of human life. Mathematics is more useful than people think.

Every day, math is part of our lives. Math can be seen in different forms every day.

Also, it’s important to remember that math isn’t all about numbers. It is also about critical thinking and solving problems, two skills that are vital for people to learn at an early age. Mathematicians teach people to take into account all the factors of a given situation in order to find the best solution. These factors are not always numbers in many situations. This is a fundamental skill, and learning math will improve your ability to deal with problems in any area of life. Practical examples include determining the source of a bad smell and navigating around traffic.

Next time you think math is a useless academic subject, think of how your mother calculates your allowance.

How to become smarter at math

Professionals claim that learning mathematics doesn’t differ much from any other skill. For a successful start, you’ll need patience, dedication, and the correct attitude. Math is a vast subject that is constantly evolving with new science and technology. If you don’t plan to go to college, it is not necessary to get into the details of advanced concepts. You only need to start small, learn the basics, and then move on.

Practice makes perfect

Math is a skill that takes practice, just like learning to ride a bicycle or bake your favorite pastries. Fortunately, you can access different exercises to help improve your math skills.

Teachers provide homework, worksheets, quizzes, and guides for students to complete. It is important to practice your math skills by doing homework.

Mathematics is not an exception.

It is only through repeated practice that you can develop mathematical proficiency. You can spend some time reviewing equations, doing exercises and brushing up on your basic math.

Higher education institutes believe that daily practice of math as a routine can be a good way to improve math ability. Radford University has found that students with a willingness to practice math regularly enough to master essential concepts are often better performers than those who just do the minimum.

Dowling College advises students to practice math for just a couple of minutes a day. They will see an immediate improvement in their skills.

Practice is the best tip to learn math quickly. According to studies, students who practice math exercises experience less anxiety. Rose Vukovic, professor at New Your University, says that students with anxiety might feel embarrassed when they are asked to do simple math. Practice is a great way to improve your learning and reduce anxiety.

You can always ask for help if you need it

You don’t need to learn alone. You can improve your math skills if you attend school. Home-schooled students will have tutors available to help answer their questions.

You probably don’t only think about math when you learn. Other subjects such as English and Science still need your attention. Find a partner to help you learn more math. If you find yourself distracted or absent minded during class, working with a partner can be a great way to get more out of your classroom experience.

Positive relationships between you and your peers, teachers, or parents will be essential to help you flourish in real-life situations. Consider forming a math study group if your friends are also interested in learning more.

Parents, teachers, and tutors can all help you improve your math skills. Teachers can help. They may not have time to spend on you, but you can show your interest in the lesson by paying attention. Ask any questions that you might have and welcome the chance to learn. It is not easy to teach, so showing your teacher that you care by being positive can go a long way.

You can also help build understanding by asking questions. To fully grasp the complexity of math topics, questions are essential. In a study, 63% parents said that they noticed their child becoming tense when preparing for a test. Asking the questions that come to mind will help you understand the concepts better and reduce tension.

Master the Basics

Math is a fascinating subject because it uses fundamental concepts repeatedly to create complex mathematical processes. It is because of this trend that it is important to learn the basics. The basic operations are addition, subtraction multiplication and division as well as word problems.

Basics are important. Multiplication was found to be the foundation for many high-school math problems in a review of curriculums from around the globe. In order to prepare for the high school math curriculum, it is important to practice the basics. Flashcards, computer software, and even practice exams can help.

Basic Arithmetic: Multiplication, Division, Multiplication and Subtraction

The four basic operations form the basis of mathematics. Basic arithmetic is necessary for any advanced operation or calculation. You can enjoy a smooth journey through high-school mathematics if you learn these operations.

Decimals & Fractions

The decimal and fractional operations are the Achilles’ heel for many students. Due to this reputation, it’s easy for learners to become intimidated by fractions and operations that involve decimals. When learning fractions and decimals, remember to go slowly. Start by using standard numbers such as 1/4 or 1/2. Check that teachers are also teaching students the relationship between decimals, fractions and ratios.


Percentages are easier to understand than fractions or decimals, even though they have many similarities. A percentage represents the exact or whole amount as a proportion of 100. The concept can be used to solve daily problems such as calculating tips, discounts, sales tax, and interest rates.

It is a percentage or part of a whole. You can use this when doing chores such as calculating the sales tax, discount, nutritional value, or interest rate on your savings.

Word problems and solving for unknown values

Word problems are a common way to test the deductive and critical thinking skills of students. The word problems are designed to test children’s abilities to find an unknown factor by giving them information to use in formulating conclusions. This skill will be crucial for real-life applications, since it involves more than just numbers.

Sharpen Algebra Skills

Algebra can be a student’s entryway into more advanced math classes. It’s important to understand that algebra is a difficult subject to master. Ask your teacher for approval before moving forward. Algebra is often composed of a sequence of basic operations. It is important to know the basics of algebra before moving forward. Preparing for new challenges will make your life easier and reduce stress.

Create a pictorial representation of data

Students can learn in many ways. Math problems can also be presented in a variety of ways. It is possible to solve math problems by visualizing the data. It is particularly useful when dealing with fractions and decimals. Visualizing data helps you to understand data points and graphs. You will be able to create charts and graphs with this ability.

Math Your Way

Certain methods of learning are more effective for children. Listening to others is a good way for some people to learn. Others learn best by watching someone else perform a task. This study is applicable to the learning of mathematics.

You can experiment with different methods, whether it’s with your parents, study partners, or groups. If you are a visually-oriented learner, your teacher can help you to learn by showing you the steps. If you’re a visual learner, it is best to watch your teacher demonstrate each step. If you have a preferred learning style, you can find resources to suit it. For example, you could use videos or study sessions with classmates who are willing to help you.

You can also customize your own learning by determining whether you’re left-brained. Research shows that being left- or right-brained has a significant impact on learning. According to research, left-brained people are more comfortable with mathematical operations because they have a preference for logical concepts.

Right-brained persons, on contrast, prefer creative activities that are less structured, less objective, and more free. Right-brained individuals also tend to struggle more with math problems because of this cognitive wiring. Dianne Craft, an educational specialist, recommended integrating such concepts to find out how you learn best. Craft states that right brained students are fond of colors, emotions, music, and pictures. All these things can be incorporated in a person’s educational process. To help visualize fractions better, you can draw a pies representing the values. You could also write a short song or poem.

Another study found that math struggles are not caused by actual ability. According to the research, students’ perceptions of themselves and how they view themselves are the main cause of math underperformance. Maria DeLourdes Mata says that stereotypes around math and women make students feel demotivated. Make sure you avoid any negative thoughts so that you are able to focus on your math tasks without feeling hampered.

You can learn from your mistakes

Excellence is the more realistic goal. Excellence is more realistic than perfection.

If you’re working to improve your math abilities, have patience with yourself. You are bound to hit some bumps.

If you want to prevent making the same mistakes again, it is important that you learn from them. Education systems can sometimes be so preoccupied with perfection that they cause students to overlook their mistakes. In the past, students were taught to fear mistakes and not learn from them.

As cliche as it may sound, this adage is still true. You should always remember that those people who fail to learn from mistakes are bound to make them again. It’s important to take time and reflect on each mistake. Take time to analyze and review every mistake.

You can ask your teachers or friends for help if you’re having trouble figuring out a certain component of an equation.

Real-World Challenges

Students are often discouraged from learning math, believing that it does not teach skills for real life. But this is far from the truth. Math solutions can be abstract. In these cases, math solutions may be difficult for you to remember. If you want to make the problem easier to digest and understand, apply it to a familiar situation.

Calculating the amount of gas you have left, or the number of people that can be served pizza, is a common example.

When people realize that math can make their lives easier, they find it more interesting. People can benefit from learning about math by applying it to everyday problems.

Create a Conducive Learning Environment

The ability to focus in a quiet area helps people learn more effectively. To solve math problems, you need to be able to concentrate and think critically.

A place to study can make math easier and faster. It is important to find a place where you can focus on your work without distractions. This includes food, chores, gadgets and other things. Some people prefer to work at a cafe or in front a TV, but these are places that can be distracting.

Consider classical music. Accordingly, it helps you concentrate and focus. It also reduces stress. Debussy and Chopin could help to boost your math skills.

Take advantage of technology

This tip may not have been included in the guide if it had been published a few more years ago. In recent years, technology has made a huge impact on the learning process.

The development of technology allows it to finally meet the need for online math help.

In the last half-decade, designers have developed AI, software and applications that offer learners some amazing features online. Apps can provide teachers with math tools and expert tutoring. Some resources include complete notes of lessons and sessions that mathematicians or university professors conduct in higher education institutions abroad on advanced topics like Algebra and Calculus.

Innovations created a number of educational math video resources, including a multi-player game that revolves around math. Multimedia resources are available to learners all over the world.

You can improve your math abilities by using the thousands of websites, portals, and resources available online. You can choose from freeware, affordable sources and free trials or pricey but reliable software.

You have the power to learn. You only need to be persistent and consistent in your search for the information you seek. The road towards mathematical excellence can be a long one, but with patience and the right attitude you will get through it.


  • abbiekaur

    Abbie Kaur is a 33-year-old blogger and volunteer from California. She is a graduate of the University of California, Irvine, with a degree in sociology. Abbie is a dedicated advocate for education and volunteerism, and has been involved in numerous community programs throughout her life. She currently volunteers with a number of local organizations, and is also a regular contributor to various blogs and online publications.



Abbie Kaur is a 33-year-old blogger and volunteer from California. She is a graduate of the University of California, Irvine, with a degree in sociology. Abbie is a dedicated advocate for education and volunteerism, and has been involved in numerous community programs throughout her life. She currently volunteers with a number of local organizations, and is also a regular contributor to various blogs and online publications.

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